Company Culture and Cultural Fit: What’s the Big Deal?

Company Culture

In February of 2018, The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) published a toolkit titled Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture. Publications including Fortune, Forbes, and Harvard Business Review address the topic regularly. So what’s the big deal with company culture and hiring for culture fit? Every day in ways small and large, a company’s culture […]


How to be a Great Boss 101: Employee Recognition

How to be a Great Boss 101: Employee Recognition

The Thanksgiving season has us all reflecting on the things for which we are grateful: sunny days, football games, apple pie. However, November 24th isn’t the only time we should take to express our gratitude. As an employer, it’s always the time to reflect on a kind of gratitude that is often overlooked, but is […]


Stay Interviews: a key factor in employee retention

Stay Interviews: a key factor in employee retention

In a competitive job market, your best employees are being hunted by other job recruiters. The last thing you want is to lose the talent you worked so hard to recruit and foster. “Stay interviews” are a great way to combat recruiter competition and ensure your employees stay right where they are. When you think of […]


The value of an exit interview

The value of an exit interview

It’s me, not you. You probably won’t hear that in an exit interview, but with the right questions you’ll learn some valuable information. Exit interviews should be conducted by someone other than the employee’s supervisor and focused on how the employee’s experience could have been better, as well as how the company can improve. The […]