Are you using all our services? Get more out of Zamp HR.

Are you using all our services? Get more out of Zamp HR.
  • by Gulshan Saini
  • Jun 13, 2016
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  • Category:

We want to help you. There may be tools and services we offer you aren’t currently utilizing. Let’s figure out what those are so we can make your job easier! Employee Onboarding – Our online employee onboarding tool saves time for both employees and employers. It simplifies the paperwork process. We can tailor the employee […]


Wouldn’t it be nice if paychecks created themselves?

Wouldn’t it be nice if paychecks created themselves?

Are you a business owner spending too much time on things you really don’t want to be doing? If payroll administration and complex HR issues are taking up too much of your time, you’re not alone. Dealing with complex administrative tasks is one of the top concerns of small to medium sized business owners. You likely didn’t […]