Employers, Are You Keeping Track of Your Utah Unemployment Insurance Obligations?

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance provides a valuable safety net to individuals who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. But for employers, mandatory participation in this joint state and federal program adds an extra layer of record keeping and compliance. Is your company aware of its record-keeping obligations under Utah’s unemployment insurance law? Here […]


How Teaming Up with a Health Benefits Administrator Can Help You Win the Talent War

Health Benefits Administration

Have you read this fall’s employment headlines? Amazon.com announced that it was raising its minimum wage for employees to $15 per hour. While saying that the move was in response to criticism, many commentators believe that the wage reflects the realities of a competitive hiring market. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in October […]


Wouldn’t it be nice if paychecks created themselves?

Wouldn’t it be nice if paychecks created themselves?

Are you a business owner spending too much time on things you really don’t want to be doing? If payroll administration and complex HR issues are taking up too much of your time, you’re not alone. Dealing with complex administrative tasks is one of the top concerns of small to medium sized business owners. You likely didn’t […]