Managing Workplace Stress

Managing Workplace Stress

Sickness isn’t the only thing that is contagious. So is workplace stress, and it’s affecting your employees’ happiness, productivity, and career satisfaction. As an employer, what can you do to decrease workplace stress and maintain high job satisfaction? Of course each employee has different stressors, triggers, and relievers, but here are some ideas to get […]


Unique Benefits Employees Will Tell Their Friends About

Unique Benefits Employees Will Tell Their Friends About

Health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, more insurance, and PTO. These are wonderful benefits that every employee expects from their new employer. What are some unique benefits you could offer your employees that will keep them surprised? Here are a few ideas of unique benefits your employees will tell their friends about: Have a puppy play […]


Stay Interviews: a key factor in employee retention

Stay Interviews: a key factor in employee retention

In a competitive job market, your best employees are being hunted by other job recruiters. The last thing you want is to lose the talent you worked so hard to recruit and foster. “Stay interviews” are a great way to combat recruiter competition and ensure your employees stay right where they are. When you think of […]


The value of an exit interview

The value of an exit interview

It’s me, not you. You probably won’t hear that in an exit interview, but with the right questions you’ll learn some valuable information. Exit interviews should be conducted by someone other than the employee’s supervisor and focused on how the employee’s experience could have been better, as well as how the company can improve. The […]


Timekeeping isn’t difficult – really!

Timekeeping isn’t difficult – really!

Whether you have 10 employees or 200, keeping track of hourly employees’ time can be a major pain in the neck. Not only that, but classic timekeeping strategies pose a huge risk of costly employee overpay. Imagine your arrives to work at 9:04 and leaves at 4:56, but enters 9:00-5:00 on his timecard. While that […]


Wouldn’t it be nice if paychecks created themselves?

Wouldn’t it be nice if paychecks created themselves?

Are you a business owner spending too much time on things you really don’t want to be doing? If payroll administration and complex HR issues are taking up too much of your time, you’re not alone. Dealing with complex administrative tasks is one of the top concerns of small to medium sized business owners. You likely didn’t […]